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War provocation of Russia with Georgia served as blind, the real purposes were preparation of an attack to Iran and inclusion of Ukraine into NATO
14 августа 2008
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War provocation of Russia with Georgia served as blind, the real purposes were preparation of an attack to Iran and inclusion of Ukraine into NATO

While between the Kremlin and the USA there is a languid firing by legal arguments with use of the set the teeth on edge turns and labels, now we can see the parameters of global strategic plan there intrusion of the Georgian armies on territory of Ossetia is it’s part. Becomes obvious, that one of the leading parts in it plan is allocated to Ukraine.

As is known, among mercenaries supporting the Georgian troops who destroyed Zhinvall, Ukrainian militants made the most part . Also Ukraine, alongside with the USA and Turkey was the basic organizer of emergency deliveries of the weapon to Georgia from the moment of intrusion. At last, threat of emergency deducing of the Russian fleet from Sevastopol - all this allows strong reasons to consider Ukraine as a belligerent party.

The major moment - threats of the Ukrainian government to stop Russian vessels, that based in Sevastopol base which are being now at coast of Abkhazia. The doctor of political sciences, the professor of the Moscow State University Alexander Dugin is convinced, that to not allow to ensnare itself, the Russian government is simply obliged to consider deeper cut of a political reality, to expand a picture of the conflict, having included in it all real participants and to operate in appropriate way.

" War provocation of Russia with Georgia served as blind ", - mister Dugin is assured. - " the Real purposes were preparation under this noise attacks to Iran and emergency inclusion of Ukraine in NATO. To accept in NATO of the country with territorial claims according to the charter of this organization it is impossible. At Georgia they were, means, the question on acceptance was a bluff from Washington. And to Ukraine of claims while is not present. Under aegis of the Russian aggression against Georgia, the USA can urgently accept Ukraine into NATO. For this purpose it is necessary to expel the Black Sea fleet from Sevastopol - as a matter of fact and has occured - it now at coast of Abkhazia. Back it will not start up, as promises Kiev. The Ukrainian militarians try to disconnect at present the electric power on the base of the Black Sea fleet. Ukrainians provided to Georgians armies also human stuff. Ukraine at present is at war with Russia. No other script, except for section of Ukraine on two parts - western and east together with Crimea - is present ".

So, the reality is those, that actually, without declaration of war, official Ukraine has joined to military operation of atlantic forces against Russia - now to deny this formulation equivalently to loosing . Thus it is important to emphasize: speaking, that Ukraine has no the problems similar Georgian, the professor means the formal party of business. At a level of political realities the situation in Ukraine a little than differs from Georgian - unless a stage of ripening of the conflict in its case earlier. But that this conflict will ripen, considering official antiRussian nationalism of an orange management of republic, doubts are not present.

However, imposing of political cycles, that is a specific combination of internal processes and a foreign policy conjuncture - will be other. Which - directly depends on Russia. As Dugin has emphasized, Americans will try to use today's events as trump argument for the prompt and urgent reception of Ukraine in NATO - with all following. And in fact we and today should be justified constantly, motivating the actions on border of Ossetia and Georgia!

That can Russia undertake in the event that Russian population of Crimea will comprehend what today has comprehended rebellious ossetic people (and on humility Crimeans to count Yushcenko it is not necessary - we shall recollect even last excitements in Sevastopol and Odessa)? If by then Ukraine will be in NATO, Russia cannot undertake anything! When Ukraine will be in NATO (we shall repeat what exactly to the prompt realization of it conducts now has put Washington), all words of our politicians that it is measured to defend interests of Russian population of Crimea will remain the empty promise. Let alone claims for contest of the status of the Crimean coast.

To what from this the conclusion follows? Plans of Russia on contest of the status of Sevastopol and Crimea, and also maintenance of interests of Russian population of Ukraine can be realized only under condition of the urgent military answer to Ukraine. It is impossible to underestimate gravity of the moment. If the today's opportunity will be missed, we shall not simply lose historical chance of success, we shall allow to be realized the American strategy on a final strategic environment of Russia. Therefore in the military attitude for Russia all only begins - there is nothing to slobber and to shake by resolutions. To us war is declared. On a first line the crushed Georgia (though where it is not taken by Tbilisi to speak about a victory prematurely) is replaced by Ukraine, and stands up for them both as before - the USA.

To prevent realization of a strategic combination of Washington and to secure itself against military blockade, after a capture of Tbilisi the Russian armies should go to Kiev. Parallel operation on support of emancipating struggle in Crimea (which all actually goes these years and now reaches "hot" level) will provide section of Ukraine, overthrow of occupational government Jushchenko and as consequence, will eliminate global threat to the Russian sovereignty.


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